Adios to ACDC & Tron

We were thrilled when we got them last year. The high score competition started almost immediately. The kids crowded ’round. But lately they’d just been gathering dust and googly eyes. So this past week we said goodbye to ACDC and Tron. Now comes the fun part: Filling their spots!

Kris gets in one last game on ACDC.
Didn’t this row of machines look good?!
We added some extra mods to this one. Our favorite was the neon tube around the ramps. Check out its arrival day!
This one had some great extras, too. The best part was adjusting the playlist to feature even better songs! Check out its arrival day!
Always the grand champion! Beat that one, Jake!
Goodbye, Angus. You look a little surprised to be leaving us.
Enjoy the game, Mark & Tracy!